Black apartheid, again!

Better The Devil I know, contemporary art of Dr. Ewart Brown with cedar horns by Manuel palacio
Better The Devil I know

Black apartheid again, this blog came about when I was watching the news. Garry Moreno went into a clip of the former Premier’s speech. I was amazed; I could not stop looking at the TV. Everyone around me got quiet. Children were to “shush be, quiet!” You could see the pride on familiar Bermudian faces inside the Hamilton Princess room, on ZBM NEWS. I was slowly simmering. Thinking to myself, I thought, “this dude has huge balls.” It was awe-inspiring, and the response of the audience even more so; they wanted to believe he was telling the truth.

The Truth

But was the former Premier lying? Did he tell the truth? Amazingly, he was telling the truth the way a turkey a farmer talks to the turkey before Thanksgiving. Her turkey! Turkey! Cluck, Cluck! The truth, the way Elijah Muhammad spoke to the Nation of Islam: “The black man is the first and last, maker and owner of the universe,” telling truths black people wanted to hear. He was speaking the thoughts that so many black Bermudians share. Dr. Brown was courageous, reassuring like The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: “White people are potential humans – they haven’t evolved yet,” convinced they are telling the truth.

The Distraction

The former Premier is a racist. Not the kind that belief black is genetically better than white. Maybe he does, but he is a Dr. He has science on his side. But he is the racist who uses racism as a distraction to keep you confused, occupied, so you don’t pay attention to his and his inner circle’s acquisitions and wealth distribution. But technically not stealing, like OJ is technically not a killer. I’m sure Dr. Brown “did not take,” as he said. But why should he steal, that would be stupid. And like he said, “My momma and daddy raised me better than that. I don’t believe in stealing period, and I did not steal from the Government.”


But what he did is mismanage the people’s purse for the benefit of himself and his inner circle. Or maybe it was a good management plan, of funds for his inner circle. Like all who use racism as an excuse, it was a quest for more power. None of this has to do with racism, none but designed to keep you occupied. Nothing new: Yasser Arafat; the mayor of Detroit; Nigerian dictators; Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe; Mobutu; all play the same game at the expense of the people. While claiming, “the good of the people.” The Premier knows, as did the OJ Simpson defense “dream team,” obfuscate the issue make it about race, and you can get away with murder. “That’s how bamboozling works.”

“So, from the pavilion, I was left to ask myself: “How in the world did that happen?” After working so hard for so long, how did we let the UBP back”? Dr. Brown

“It’s the economy, stupid”

James Carville

Bermudians could not ignore the accounting:

  • The mismanagement of $1,157,000,000? Dept
  • BHC affair
  • The Motor Vehicle Safety & Emissions Testing Program was $5.3m. The final cost to the taxpayer was $15.23m.
  • Three times the cost of the budget. $1.8 million extra payments to GlobalHue”.
  • The pier at Dockyard cost of $35 million readjusted cost $50m. The final price was around $60m.
  • BERMUDA CEMENT COMPANY: The Government determines who may succeed and to punish those it dislikes.
  • UAH and the BIU, the project came in at $55m over budget, added to which is the $700,000 and the $6.8m.
  • The charity UHI, “no indications that an office was maintained” for the charity. PAY-TO-PLAY; FAITH-BASED TOURISM


The BIU, I’m not going to touch that right now. I think unions and the opposition parties like the PLP are incredibly crucial for democracy, toppling dictator, kings, and oligarchy. And both these two bodies, despite good intentions and services, often undertaken with the best of motives, is how racism reborn, kept alive and were manipulated. Evil may result as well from good as from ill intentions.

Ossie Davis:

“Malcolm was our manhood, our living, black manhood!”

Our Living Black Manhood, digital art of Dr. Ewart Brown as Scarface by Manuel Palacio
Our Living Black Manhood

Dr. Brown: There are a couple of important quotes from Brother Malcolm that probably tell the story: “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power – Because they control the minds of the masses.” He also said, “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.

Herman Goering: ” …the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

What If Ewart Was White? acrylic art portrait of Dr. Ewart Brown former Premier of Bermuda PLP by Manuel Palacio
What If Ewart Was White?
What If Jennifer Was White? acrylic art portrait of Dame Jennifer Smith,former Premier of Bermuda PLP by Manuel Palacio
What If Jennifer Was White?
What If Paula Was White? acrylic art portrait of Paula Cox former Premier of Bermuda PLP, by Manuel Palacio
What If Paula Was White?

I’m a fan of former Premier Dame Jennifer Smith and a fan of labor.

Until it becomes socialism and as Margaret Thatcher said,“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money.”


When Dame Jenifer Smith was Premier, as an artist, I had a voice that mattered as part of the social economy. I could not vote, but at least I was heard. I don’t know if the events of her losing her position. But I think the “black men” of the PLP ambushed her; former Premier Dr. Brown:

“We had to deceive you.” Dr. Brown

That’s how bamboozling works. And that is the faith of Labor Government; unwillingness to lead; its obstruction of wealth creation for the love of “labor” that creates poverty, misery, and tyrants.

Get a Job

My jaw is still on the grown with the comments about former Premier Paula Cox looking for a job. Former Premier is one of the most well-connected women in Bermuda and can’t find a job. I hope she never gets a job. Why? If Former Premier Paula Cox can’t create a career for herself, why should anyone take a risk with her? Every lawyer in Bermuda should be calling her to start a business. With her knowledge, she will destroy any current competition. And that is Labor Government depended on someone else for its existence, unwilling to create, reluctant to lead.


Tragically the party forgot its roots, and it’s members witness the demise of their country economy from the front row of their BDA$100,00.00 Parliament seats with a tall glass of black Kool-Aid. Still, they’re not concerned; the leaders poised for another run. There is plenty of thirst for black Kool-Aid in Bermuda’s heat, and none wants to make their own. What the leaders want is a distraction, racism.

"I hate white people" contemporary art word on plywood by Manuel Palacio "Black Appartheid"
“I hate white people.”
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Warning, this side depict Nude Art.

Please be adviced, some of the art depicted by Manuel Palacio shows nude body parts. Also, some of the blogs contain adult language.