
3 posts

Roxane! Roxane! Hunger Book Review

Hunger! I couldn’t wait to read this book. Ever since I read “Bad Feminist” I’ve been waiting. I was hoping to read how or what lead 12-year-old Roxane into a bad situation. Ever since she mentioned that she was raped by a ‘congress’ of baboon she called boys. In “Hunger,” […]

“Bootsy” Collins and Basquiat, young black geniuses.

“Bootsy” Collins Vs. Jean-Michele Basquiat DEVELOPMENT Robert Hughes Insightful commentary on Basquiat had me thinking a lot. I especially liked what he said, “For the very nature of Basquiat’s success forced him to repeat himself without a chance of development.” And that rings true; Basquiat works’ are brilliant, although they […]